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The configuration is split into 3 parts, root level parameters, notification providers, and a captcha provider.

Simplest Configuration

      captchaProvider: {
        name: 'none',
      notificationProviders: []

This config will only store form data in the Form Submissions Strapi Collection

captchaProviderThe captcha provider to useObject
captchaProvider.nameName of the Captcha providerString
captchaProvider.configCaptcha Provider ConfigObject
notificationProvidersThe notification providers to useArray
notificationProviders[].nameName of the notification providerString
notificationProviders[].enabledIf you want this provider to be enabledBoolean
notificationProviders[].configNotification Provider ConfigObject
enableFormNameAllow arbitrary form names set by clientBoolean
allowUnsafeHtmlAsMessagePasses the formated message as html UNSAFE YOU MUST OVERRIDE FORMATBoolean

Strapi Admin Panel Configuration

After you install this plugin you will see 2 new collections in the admin panel.

Form Submissions

This will store all of your form submissions. There are 2 parts to this collection. There is the score section which corresponds to the captcha score (if you have captcha disabled it will display -1) The second part is the actual form data in JSON form.

Notification Recipients

These are all the people that need to be notified of the submission.

NumberString E164

Number must be in E164 format

Permission Setup

Under Settings > User & Permissions Plugin > Roles

You can define which roles can submit to the EZ Forms endpoint. If you want anyone to be able to submit select Public if you only want authenticated users to submit forms select Authenticated Or selected a custom role.


Adding Notification Providers

See Notification Providers for more information

Adding a Captcha Provider

See Captcha Providers for more information